Scott Marceau | Point of View
I've been into Scott's work since the early days of the OG Snake Lounge, when him and the rest of the crew lived upstairs from me. There is definitely tons of creativity coming from the Snake Lounge crew, and Scott is no exception. He is no doubt a skilled BMX photographer, but Scott takes his photography beyond that, and explores what else is possible. From timeless snaps behind the windshield, to skateboarding, to midnight missions in the woods, Scott's work covers many different genres, all while sticking to a distinct style. He is also talented with the video camera and showcases some of his work over at his site, Push It A Stop.

69 420: (summer 2008) this sign was the most exciting thing about driving across Kansas. Us snakes are very keen on the numbers 69 and 420, for some reason, and luckily I always have a camera ready. Biblical.

bank: (spring 2007) this bank is in baltimore, and I shot the photo on a Nation trip. I was the secondary photographer so I had plenty of time to just wander around and shoot. I was really into the geometry and lighting on this wedge. I asked Chase DeHart to throw a downside whip on it and he kindly agreed. That whip photo was printed on the cover of the Fit Bike Co 2010 catalogue.

chad downwhip: (summer 2003) at woodward you aren't supposed to ride on the first day (sunday) of the week. being veterans, we knew to just act like we belonged there and shred. This was my first time shooting with real gear at woodward. I had a vivitar 285hv on a plastic tripod to the right, no light meter, and I was shooting slide film. somehow I got the shot, and it ended up being the first photo I ever had published.

chase: (summer 2005) my friend chase and I used to frequent the astro-turf high school football field at night to smoke pot and fly r/c airplanes. this was shot the night before I moved to the the city for school. for me, it will always remind me of the energy we had growing up in a town too small to contain our antics.

eric bslip: (summer 2005) eric viccarone is hands-down one of the best skateboarders from the cleveland area. I have many many photos of him killing it, but this is probably the cleanest.

neil crooks: (summer 2004) neil zucker was the hometown hero of skateboarding in my chagrin falls, ohio. he is probably six or seven years older than me, but I would always see him skating around the town. I became pretty good friends with him, and he is definitely one of the nicest people I have met. So nice, in fact, he was the only one who would skate this setup in the woods.

rear headlights: (summer 2008) this photo is part of a series i'm working on, which is comprised mostly of photos shot from a car, or any moving vehicle, during a trip or adventure. remember, it's not when or where you arrive but the journey that counts.

sage: (winter 2005) Sage Francis was a big inspiration to me during a certain period in my life because of his attitude and ethics; what he stands for. He is very intelligent and an amazing lyricist. I shot this when he played a show on Valentines day 2005 in Cleveland. He ended up using it on the cover of his tour album. oh, the film was pushed three stops.

tower: (summer 2009) this is the roof of some gallery building in chelsea. one of my teachers from school was having his show opening and some friends from class and i went up to the roof for a joint. I have a dangerous obsession with climbing things, but the ladder was asking for it.

trip1: (summer 2008) these are from a series I shot called 'the scenic route'. pretty much they are polaroids shot while traveling, but they are very ambiguous and give little to no clue as to where the photographs were made. the series is about colors, shapes and textures that you don't see or notice everyday.
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69 420: (summer 2008) this sign was the most exciting thing about driving across Kansas. Us snakes are very keen on the numbers 69 and 420, for some reason, and luckily I always have a camera ready. Biblical.
bank: (spring 2007) this bank is in baltimore, and I shot the photo on a Nation trip. I was the secondary photographer so I had plenty of time to just wander around and shoot. I was really into the geometry and lighting on this wedge. I asked Chase DeHart to throw a downside whip on it and he kindly agreed. That whip photo was printed on the cover of the Fit Bike Co 2010 catalogue.
chad downwhip: (summer 2003) at woodward you aren't supposed to ride on the first day (sunday) of the week. being veterans, we knew to just act like we belonged there and shred. This was my first time shooting with real gear at woodward. I had a vivitar 285hv on a plastic tripod to the right, no light meter, and I was shooting slide film. somehow I got the shot, and it ended up being the first photo I ever had published.
chase: (summer 2005) my friend chase and I used to frequent the astro-turf high school football field at night to smoke pot and fly r/c airplanes. this was shot the night before I moved to the the city for school. for me, it will always remind me of the energy we had growing up in a town too small to contain our antics.
eric bslip: (summer 2005) eric viccarone is hands-down one of the best skateboarders from the cleveland area. I have many many photos of him killing it, but this is probably the cleanest.
neil crooks: (summer 2004) neil zucker was the hometown hero of skateboarding in my chagrin falls, ohio. he is probably six or seven years older than me, but I would always see him skating around the town. I became pretty good friends with him, and he is definitely one of the nicest people I have met. So nice, in fact, he was the only one who would skate this setup in the woods.
rear headlights: (summer 2008) this photo is part of a series i'm working on, which is comprised mostly of photos shot from a car, or any moving vehicle, during a trip or adventure. remember, it's not when or where you arrive but the journey that counts.
sage: (winter 2005) Sage Francis was a big inspiration to me during a certain period in my life because of his attitude and ethics; what he stands for. He is very intelligent and an amazing lyricist. I shot this when he played a show on Valentines day 2005 in Cleveland. He ended up using it on the cover of his tour album. oh, the film was pushed three stops.
tower: (summer 2009) this is the roof of some gallery building in chelsea. one of my teachers from school was having his show opening and some friends from class and i went up to the roof for a joint. I have a dangerous obsession with climbing things, but the ladder was asking for it.
trip1: (summer 2008) these are from a series I shot called 'the scenic route'. pretty much they are polaroids shot while traveling, but they are very ambiguous and give little to no clue as to where the photographs were made. the series is about colors, shapes and textures that you don't see or notice everyday.
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